Could your business be a Connect to Work champion?
14th March 2025
Could your business be a Connect to Work champion and support people facing barriers into work?
Connect to Work is a government programme in England and Wales to help disabled people, those with health conditions and people with complex barriers to employment, to find sustainable work. During 2026-27 the programme aims to support around 100,000 people facing greater labour market disadvantages, to find employment.
REDA is supporting Reading Borough Council to identify a number of Reading businesses who are willing to participate in the programme over the next 3 years through shaping relevant and accessible job opportunities for this group of jobseekers. Throughout the programme, we’ll be working across Berkshire to deliver a seamless service which both ensures the prospective candidates are work-ready and fully supports the hiring employer with the entire recruitment process.
Candidates are likely to have limited educational qualifications and little to no current workplace experience, so the job opportunities provided by Reading businesses would need to be entry-level and without requirement of any trade or vocational qualifications.
If you think your business could act as a Reading champion for this programme, please take a moment to answer some brief questions detailing your previous experience in offering accessible roles within the hiring process. The survey should take no more than 10 minutes to complete and responses will only be used to inform the Connect to Work programme in Reading. Fill in the survey here.